Join us for our 30th Annual Fish Fries this coming Lenten Season. It will be held on the Fridays of Lent, February 16 - March 22. Click for complete menu.
The Legion of Mary will have signups for the traveling Pilgrim Virgin statue after all the Sunday Masses on Jan 13th and Jan 14th . You may signup for (2) visits per year. Each visit can be for one or two weeks. The Legion of Mary will deliver and pickup the statue from your home.
CONGRATULATIONS to the following St. Andrew the Apostle parishioners who achieved Principal’s List, Honor Roll or Merit Roll status for the fourth quarter average grading period at St. Vincent-St. Mary High School.
Vacation Bible School 2023 is coming! It will take place from Sunday, June 25th through Thursday, June 29th, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. For more information, please contact Jennifer Stobbs at (330) 289-3241, or click in the article to register.
Please join us for a brunch to celebrate Fr. Louis Thomas’ 10th Anniversary of ordination to the Priesthood on Sunday, May 21, 2023 following the 11:30 a.m. Mass at St. Andrew the Apostle Parish in the Church Basement. Simply click the title to fill out the RSVP form, and send it in. DEADLINE TO RSVP is May 19th.
The Johnson Road swamp that was located on the west side of the eastern entrance to the parking lot has been drained, and the City of Norton is in the process of replacing the culvert to maintain water flow. That entrance will be unusable till the work is done. You may still enter the parking lot at the western entrance on Johnson Rd. and the entrance on S. Hametown Rd. Please be cautions as you enter the parking lot.
With the return of Communion under both kinds, it would be nice to have some extra Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. If you are being called to assist with this ministry, please call Fr. Thomas or email [email protected]. The next training dates in Summit County are Saturday, 13 May, 9:00-11:30 AM at Archbishop Hoban High School and Tuesday, 25 May, 7:00-9:30 PM, at Holy Family, Stow. Please contact Father at least a week before the training to get you registered.
Fr. Louis Thomas will be having a 10th Anniversary of Ordination in May. Our parish will be having a Mass for him on Sunday, May 21st at 11:30 AM with a reception to follow. If you would like to help with the reception, please text or call Becky at 330-858-3621. Thank you!
June 25-29 is VBS at St Andrew. Watch for more info. Volunteers needed - If you are interested in helping with the fun, faithful week, contact Jennifer - DRE at 330-289-3241.
You have a brick engraving opportunity to memorialize a deceased loved one in the walkway of St. Andrew the Apostle Memorial Garden located between the Parish Center and the Rectory. For a donation of $50 per brick, you may have a 4”x 8” brick engraved with up to three lines of text, with up to 14 characters per line. For a donation of $100 per brick, you may have an 8”x 8” brick engraved with up to six lines of text with up to 14 characters per line...
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION each weekday morning one hour prior to the 8:00 AM Mass and on Friday from the 8 AM Mass until 9:00 p.m. Thank you for your continued devotion to the Presence of Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. If you are unable to keep your Hour, or if you would like to sign up for an Hour of Adoration, please call John Sbory at 330-590-2460 or Barb Schade 330-351-6731.
Our Giving Tree for those in need begins Nov. 19! We will be asking for gift cards, checks, or cash money. If writing a check, make it out to St. Andrew the Apostle Church, with Giving Tree in the memo area. All of these donations are to be placed in a sealed envelope, which would then be placed in a special box. The box will be decorated for Christmas and placed next to the baptismal font that is beside the altar.
The Parish Choir will be returning soon & we would love to have you join us. The ability to read music is not required, only a willingness to learn and a positive attitude. The choir practices on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00PM & sings at the 10:20AM Mass on Sundays, October through May.
Are you interested in sharing your faith with the youth of our parish? We are looking for a pre-school and 7th grade teacher and possible other grades as well. If interested please contact Jennifer Stobbs for more information. PSR will begin September 11th. Watch for registration forms coming soon, or contact Jennifer Stobbs more information.