Parishioners should see how they might become actively involved in their parish of Prince of Peace. Here are the many ministries presently at Prince of Peace Parish. Every member of our faith community has gifts (young and old) given them by God to be used for the benefit of the faith community to continue the mission of Jesus. What are your gifts that are presently being called forth for the good of the faith community? Help us continue to be a vibrant parish that is a shining example to others of the type of community that Jesus wants to indicate his Kingdom is already breaking through and is present among us. If you are interested in more information, please call the rectory during regular business hours 330-825-9543. Remember, we don’t realize our gifts until we give them. A yellow handout describing these ministries (including contact people’s names and phone numbers) are at all the entrances to the church. Contact the rectory for more information or for a copy of the latest handout and the contact information.